Empower Your Leadership
and Team with
Transformative Coaching
Unlock your full leadership potential through
personalized executive coaching and
master your mind with Positive Intelligence.

Growth happens outside
of your comfort zone.

For the past 20+ years I’ve embarked on the journey of establishing, nurturing and leading companies as a CFO, MD and CEO. I helped create a billion-dollar entity from humble beginnings in the Healthcare service sector, and I’ve been leading large and diverse teams spanning multiple countries in both Europe and Asia.

Leadership Coaching

I elevate your executive journey with a transformative sparring and development approach designed to unlock your full leadership potential. We will navigate challenges and achieve fulfillment in all areas, business and personal.

My Approach to Leadership Coaching

As a Leader or Executive, your challenges are unique, encompassing not just personal growth but also the well-being of your organization. I am coming from a 20+ year C-Level Leadership background and my approach is tailored to meet these demands, blending life strategy with a special focus on mental fitness, crucial for sustaining high performance and leadership excellence.

Mental Fitness:
Sharpening Your Edge - Leadership requires resilience, strategic thinking, and emotional intelligence. I provide effective strategies to find your core nature and strengths, helping you navigate complex decisions and lead with confidence. We’ll focus on developing a mindset that fosters innovation, drives effective problem-solving, and enhances your ability to inspire and motivate your team.

Physical Well-being:
Sustaining Peak Performance - Your physical health is directly linked to your effectiveness as a leader. My program includes personalized guidance on integrating fitness into your demanding schedule, ensuring you have the energy and stamina to meet the rigorous demands of executive life. A strong, energetic leader is better equipped to handle stress and lead by example, promoting a culture of wellness throughout the organization.

Positive Habits:
We are what we repeatedly do. Positive habits are the invisible architecture of daily success, quietly laying the foundation for achievements that last. Each positive habit we stack is a vote for the desired future, guiding us steadily towards our highest potential. Together we will work on habits that serve you and become aware of those that stand in your way.

Integrating Professional and Personal Growth:
Recognizing the interconnectedness of professional success and personal fulfillment, we together devise a comprehensive strategy that addresses both. By setting clear goals, establishing actionable plans, and implementing accountability mechanisms, we ensure this progress is measurable and impactful. This holistic approach not only benefits your professional achievement but also enriches your personal life, leading to a more balanced, fulfilling existence.

Cultivating a High-Performance Culture:
Your growth as a leader has a multiplier effect, inspiring those around you to strive for excellence. We’ll explore how to instill a high-performance culture within your organization, leveraging your enhanced leadership skills to foster an environment where innovation, efficiency, and well-being are paramount.

Your achievement will be defined individually, be it success, happiness, healthy relationships or all of them. I enable you to seize that achievement.

On this journey to achievement there are no shortcuts, therefore the usual time for my leadership coaching are 2-3 months. Let’s check out if we want to work together as this is also a question of chemistry. => Tidy Call (Executive Coaching Calender)

Rastoslav Kulich

Rastoslav Kulich

Country Director Google (SK)

The 7 week PQ program with PQ Coach Manfred Mahrle was eye opeing and provided a new operating system for a positive approach in many life situations. In this sense this was life-changing. 10/10 recommendation!

PQ – Positive Intelligence / Mental Fitness

I enable you to recognize and find your full potential with Positive Intelligence (PQ), a validated transformative journey that empowers you to master your mind and silence the Saboteurs in your life.

Perform better, live healthier, be happier

If you could perform better, live healthier relationships, & be happier with a daily 15-min practice, would you do it?

If you are not physically fit, you feel physical stress as you climb or run. If you are not mentally fit, you feel mental stress – such as anxiety, frustration, or unhappiness – as you handle work and relationship challenges.

Your mind is your best friend. But it can also be your worst enemy.

The good news is: Due to breakthrough research in neuroscience and psychology, you can now improve your mental fitness significantly within only 7 weeks of practice. The results are significantly improved performance and productivity and a calm, clear, and happier mind.

Mental fitness is a measure of the strength of your positive mental muscles (Sage) versus the negative (Saboteur).

Saboteurs are your invisible agents of self-sabotage. They include the inner Judge, Restless, Controller, Avoider, Victim, Stickler, and 4 others. Do the free Saboteur Test and schedule a call with me to talk about the results.

They represent your brain’s automatic mental habits with limiting beliefs and assumptions about how to handle life’s challenges. Your Saboteurs limit your potential by causing negative emotions such as stress, disappointment, self-doubt, regret, anger, shame, guilt, or worry.

But you can learn to meet challenges by activating a different inner voice and region of your brain, the Sage.

Your Sage handles challenges through positive emotions like empathy, gratitude, curiosity, creativity, self-confidence, and calm, clear-headed, laser-focused action.

The relative strength of your positive Sage versus negative Saboteurs is called PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient). PQ is the measure of your Mental Fitness. It is the best predictor of how happy you are and how well you perform relative to your potential. You can boost your PQ significantly with a daily 15-minutes practice.

By focusing only 2% of your time each week, I can support you in building your mental fitness or your team’s, create the resilience and culture you need, and get the results you want in a way that brings deep fulfillment and achievement.

As a certified Positive Intelligence Coach, I am excited to offer you Positive Intelligence in collaboration with one of the world’s leading experts, Shirzad Chamine and the Positive Intelligence Team out of its origins at Stanford University, US.

Edwin Kleiber

Edwin Kleiber

Ceo Amex Healthcare

„Manfred hat es wunderbar geschafft, limitierende Glaubenssätze in unserem Team aufzudecken und innerhalb überraschend kurzer Zeit eine nachhaltig positive Veränderung bewirkt.“

PEER Group Coaching & Team Training

Together we will foster a high-performance culture harnessing collective strengths to drive innovation and achieve superior outcomes. 

Effective leadership

In the dynamic world of today’s business, effective leadership is not just about individual brilliance, positive habits but even more the power of collective insight and resilience. My coaching methodology is rooted in proven solutions that work, prioritizing peer group synergies, strengths and mental fitness as foundational pillars for transformative leadership. Having participated in peer groups myself for nearly 20 years I know all it takes to bring teams into performance.

Strategic Synergy: The Power of Peer Groups -  At the heart of our approach lies the conviction that peer groups are invaluable. Together, we harness the collective wisdom, diverse experiences, and collaborative energy of leadership teams to foster a culture of shared success. The methods are facilitated discussions, strategic workshops, and group challenges and we unlock the potential of peer groups.

Collaborative Excellence: Elevating Leadership Dynamics - I believe in the transformative power of collaboration. By refining communication skills, emotional intelligence, and mutual trust within your team, we strengthen the fabric of your leadership dynamics. This focus on enhanced collaboration ensures that any leadership team will achieve remarkable collective outcomes.

Paige Pierce

Paige Pierce

President, YPO Utah, YPO London Business School Co-Chair

„Manfred doesn‘t simply exhibit superior leadership skill, he seems, in fact, hard-wired to be an intuitive, focused, caring, servant leader of men and women. Manfred‘s abiliy to relate to people individually to produce a climate of inclusion has allowed him to bring together disparate groups.“

YPO Facilitation, Training, Retreats & More

Young Presidents Organisation YPO is the premier global leadership community of more than 35,000 extraordinary chief executives in 140+ countries who are connected by the shared belief that the world needs better leaders through education and idea exchange. Each of the YPO members has achieved significant leadership success at a young age. Combined, they lead […]

Young Presidents Organisation

YPO is the premier global leadership community of more than 35,000 extraordinary chief executives in 140+ countries who are connected by the shared belief that the world needs better leaders through education and idea exchange.

Each of the YPO members has achieved significant leadership success at a young age. Combined, they lead businesses and organizations employing  23m people and contributing USD 11 trillion in annual revenue (Status 4/2024), making YPO the 6th largest economy if it were a country. Interested in becoming a member? Find out more on www.ypo.org.

As it is “lonely at the top” every CEO needs somewhere to turn for the insight and perspective only trusted peers can provide. In YPO, this supreme sounding board is called FORUM.  In a YPO FORUM, leaders meet in an atmosphere of confidentiality, respect, and trust and enable breakthroughs on important life topics within an invaluable peer circle.

After having been a YPO member myself since 2007 (in Forum since 2008), I am honored to have qualified as a YPO Certified Forum Facilitator (CFF) in 2022 and getting recertified since then. CFFs are a specialized group of 100+ highly skilled professionals globally with a deep understanding of the FORUM process and protocol and different areas of coaching and facilitation expertise.

Each CFF has completed a rigorous and competitive application, interviews, and a certification process that requires peer recommendations and global YPO board approval.

YPO Forum Facilitation – Forum Trainings, Forum Retreats and more

As a YPO Member since 2007 and YPO Certified Forum Facilitator, trained Executive Coach, and Positive Intelligence Coach, I bring a comprehensive toolkit designed to refine your Forum experience and a focus on tangible results. There are always invaluable group learnings and  immediate take home values, personally and professionally.

Over the past years I engaged with 100s of CEOs in YPO’s core programs on a global basis:

YPO Forum Basics – YPO Forum Moderator Development – YPO Supercharge For Forums – YPO Forum Retreats - Key Notes and Workshops for Chapters and Forums

Download my YPO CFF Profile (name)  

Contact me for a free Peer Group (Forum) Exercise Toolkit

YPO Link to CFF Profile

Robert Frances

Robert Frances

CEO, YPO GloBAL Chairman 2012

„Manfred is a natural born leader with great humility and a deep desire to work with, understand and develop people. He has a sharp analytical mind and a good set of listening skills, coupled with a rich experience as a leader in different cultures, as he lived in Asia for 4 years. I recommend him unconditionally.“

People I worked with say:

Let's meet!

I want to get to know you and your goals.

Over the years I’ve come to realize the profound value of a life in presence, based on a set of solid values and meaningful relationships. I thoroughly enjoy enabling the achievement of people and teams.

This is what I offer to leaders and their teams.

I have been there and understand the drivers, saboteurs and pitfalls, and I can help you develop and thrive in challenging times and beyond.